Ken Klonsky

Outing the Law: a Website on Injustice

New York employs new template for wrongful conviction settlements

The above NY Times article lays out the financial settlement for three brothers, one dead, who had been convicted under Louis Scarcella’s and Charles Hynes’s reign of terror. The significant fact here is that the city is seeking to short circuit the enormous lawsuits that have been and will continue to be draining the public coffers. For defendants released after two plus decades, I think this represents a major step forward. All the time spent in court proceedings for people who are nearing fifty years old further detracts from whatever quality life they have remaining. So while 7 million dollars may not seem to be enough money for a man forced to spend 27 years in prison, my view is that most wrongly convicted people would jump at the opportunity to put the whole thing behind them as much and as rapidly as possible.

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